The US Isle at the Goddess’s dairy. I’d also have walked right by it because the bottle doesn’t even look like a wine bottle, and the label isn’t the most appealing. But we’re glad she put this one in the mystery case.
On sale at $19.99, although $21.99 is the regular price

The labels on the cap try to entice us with Fresh, Crisp, Bright and Exotic. It certainly is the first 3. Exotic It’s not. It IS an interesting blend of Chardonnay, Sauvignon Blanc, Semillion, Muscat Canelli and Viognier.
I can certainly see why Danielle picked this one because it does wake up your sense of taste and the finish is interesting.
We had some, whist preparing dinner (BC Spot Prawns [salt/pepper/safron threads/taragon] with couscous and coldslaw), and put a big dent in the bottle during dinner. Don’t over spice whatever this wine is sharing dinner with. Let it stand up by itself too. Oh, and give it a good hour to breathe before sampling.

Another RED tomorrow night – with a lamb roast.